NCR 4 Less offer production of NCR Sets, Pads & Books
  • NCR 4 Less

    What Are NCR Pads?

    Obviously, working with and around NCR Pads all day every day, we know exactly what NCR Pads, in all their iterations, are. However, we know that many people may not have heard the term ‘NCR pads’ before, and therefore may not really know what they are looking at. This is why we wanted to write …

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  • Can Carbonless Paper be Recycled?

    We understand the purpose of NCR paper helps workplaces and offices make multiple copies of the same document without the need for carbon coating. However, due to its differential chemical properties, many wonder whether it can be recycled the same way as normal paper-based products. The answer is that for most local recycling centres it …

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  • Graphic Terms Explained

    Here at NCR4Less we want to provide the best service possible, this means we have experts in all fields in our offices, and on the phones. So, if you ever call us or pop in, you may hear a lot of very complex sounding terms. These are industry terms that often get bandied about when …

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