NCR 4 Less offer production of NCR Sets, Pads & Books

NCR Artwork Guidelines


  • Print-ready PDF
  • Artwork set to finish job size
  • Colours set to job spec
  • All fonts embedded
  • Margins, lines & rules correct
  • Perforation allowed for if required
  • High-res images

We prefer to accept print-ready PDF files.

Please set your files to the finished size of your job and include crop marks and 3mm bleed on all edges where necessary.

Please set your artwork in CMYK where necessary, and 100% Black for black only jobs. For those printed using a pantone colour, please supply artwork in black and specify your requirements in the job specification/description.

Please embed/outline all fonts within your document. Avoid setting text below 6pt.

Lines and Rules
Please use a minimum of 0.5pt width where possible and a minimum opacity of 10%.

Perforation Allowance
Please allow 20mm consideration within your artwork on the relevant edge that will be perforated.

Do not set text or important information closer than 6mm from the edge of the sheet. Anything set in this area that does not bleed off the page is at risk of being trimmed or encroached on during the production process.

Please indicate on your artwork or in the description where numbering should appear. We will sequentially number in production according to your specification.

Please use vector outlined logos where possible, otherwise a minimum of 300dpi. Please set to greyscale on black only jobs.

Reverse Printing
Please supply a separate file using our uploading tools (or by link/email to for any reverse printing.

Electronic PDF proofs will be provided on all jobs requiring us to produce artwork. We will not proceed with the job until this has been signed off. PDF proofs of artwork supplied jobs can be requested in the order specification. We do not provide printed proofs.

We’ve put together some templates in various formats here which may help when setting up your artwork. Click here to access them.

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